Nicholas Coleman — Coleman Art

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2822 Rolling Knolls Dr.
Provo, UT 84604


Western Wildlife Art -

The Art of the Coleman Family of Artists:

Fine Art

Western Art

Art of the american west

American indian art


Michael Coleman

Morgan Coleman

Nicholas Coleman

Sarah Coleman


Nicholas Coleman

Nicholas Coleman was born in Provo, Utah. Brought up in an artistic environment, Coleman has been painting and drawing for as long as he can remember. He has traveled extensively through North America, Africa, and Europe and New Zealand. Coleman has lived and worked in Brazil for two years. Coleman has found much of his inspiration in his travels, hunting and fishing along the way. Winslow Homer, Bruno Liljefors, Carl Rungius have been influential to Coleman’s work as well as John Singer Sargent, Anders Zorn and especially the western work of Frank Tenney Johnson and Philip R. Goodwin, and especially his father, Michael Coleman. Coleman uses a traditional academic approach in his painting, using gouache and oil. His work definitely has a feel of realism as he strives to make each painting better than the last, there is a certain amount of spontaneity and a slight impressionistic feel to his paintings that let the viewer participate in the work. Coleman endeavors to create a connection between his paintings and the observer by invoking a mood that the viewer can walk into.

He plans to continue working hard at what he loves; his father told him, “you are only as good as your last painting,” so Coleman continually strives to improve his abilities. Never one to miss an opportunity, he also wants to improve his etching and sculpting skills.

Gallery Representations:

  • J.N. Bartfield Gallery - New York, NY

  • J. Watson Fine Art - Los Angeles, CA & Jackson, WY

  • Meredith Long Gallery - Houston, TX

  • Mountain Trails Gallery - Park City, UT - Jackson, WY

  • Valley Fine Art - Aspen, CO

  • Manitou Galleries - Sante Fe, NM

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